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Open Source API Hub and API Management with OpenCelium

Connection of applications, communication and data exchange.

The central 360°
IT documentation

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Information Security Management System

The full-fledged ISMS for certification according to IT-Grundschutz and ISO 27001

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fact sheets

The Open Source CMDB and Asset Management Tool

DATAGERRY closes the gap for the generic recording of customized object types.

  • Central management and organization of configuration data including hardware, software and network components.
  • Linking CIs, defining relationships and dependencies, performing audits and generating reports.
  • DATAGERRY is open source and licensed under the AGPLv3.

5G Campus for beginners | The new mobile communications standard explained simply

What is 5G and what advantages does it bring? The fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) includes improved features from the last generation 4G/LTE. 5G is to be rolled out nationwide in Germany, thus eliminating the white spots (areas without mobile phone reception) in network coverage.

MedTec | The i-doit add-on for the documentation of medical devices

The MedTec add-on extends i-doit with object types for the documentation of medical devices. The German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) provides the Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System (UMDNS), a catalogue for the classification of medical devices. i-doit in combination with the add-on MedTec is able to document these medical devices.

ELK Stack | Centralize logging & visualize server metrics with Elk Logging

ELK or the ELK stack is a combination of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. And when you get right down to it, you still have to throw in a B for beats these days. You can read all about ELK in this free fact sheet.

JDisc | Inventorize, Automate & Document

JDisc Discovery automatically inventories and creates IT documentation of the entire network and detects all major operating systems (including HP-UX, Solaris and AIX). IT documentation includes hardware and software information, IP networks, Windows domains and Active Directory installations. In addition, JDisc Discovery identifies all major virtualization technologies, storages, and many cluster systems.

IT Security in practice

In times of cloud, containerization, big data and digitalization, IT security remains a hot topic for many. Companies are increasingly exposed to new cyber risks. What can companies do proactively for their security? You can read about it in this free fact sheet.

Perfect Match | 5 success factors for applicants

Companies today are often unable to fill advertised vacancies for a long time and are desperately looking for well-trained specialists. This makes the labour market an applicant market in which skilled workers have the best chances of finding attractive jobs. Here we show what professionals should look out for in order to land their dream job in the sea of opportunities.

best practices

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