While quality and quantity of cyber attacks continue to increase, companies and organizations are at the same time becoming more dependent on the IT. It’s getting more and more important to be aware of possible risks, take measures and implement controls to reduce the risks.

With the introduction of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) you can achieve an adequate level of information security and keep an eye on both the current and the planned status of the existing risks and their treatment measures.

A good documentation of the IT is mandatory when introducing an
. The CMDB i-doit is a cost-efficient, full package solution for your IT documentation. Together with the add-on ISMS it can be extended to a full grown and comprehensive information security management system.


Please join us, when Kai Schubert-Altmann (senior consultant and web application developer of the becon GmbH) will take us to a short insight into i-doitISMS. After a brief introduction of i-doit he will show how it can be extended to a complete and flexible Information Security Management System. He will give an overview of the basic structure of the
add-on, the configuration possibilities and all of the features such as the risk assessment process, the management of the defined controls and the different available standard reports. Finally, he will be happy to answer any questions you may have afterwards.

Who you are dealing with

Speaker and Moderator


Kai Schubert-Altmann

IT Consultant & Web Application Developer, becon GmbH

Kai Schubert-Altmann has been working as a web and database developer for global companies for over 15 years. He is fluent in PHP, SQL and Javascript and feels right at home on database systems. His quality awareness and several years of experience in IT support brought him to the i-doit team in 2018. His focus is currently on risk management around information security. Kai is an IT consultant and web application developer at becon GmbH.


Andreas Geist

Head of Sales South, becon GmbH

Andreas Geist has already been able to inspire his tasks for personnel development, within the framework of his dual studies to become a graduate in business administration. Due to the challenge of finding the right people for the open vacancies, the focus here was already on the internal qualification of employees. During his MBA at the SIBE, he focused on increasing employee motivation by making working hours more flexible in line with the modern working world. At becon he is responsible for HR and Sales Solutions. In his function, strategic as well as operational decisions are also daily companions for our customers.

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