A new version 2.1 of OpenCelium is now available for download. One of the newest features is the on/off switching of logs per job. This allows you to run large jobs with even better performance and save on hard disk space. In addition, there is now the duplicate function, which speeds up the creation of Connections and Business Templates. Follow the instructions in the documentation to perform the update.
Here is the detailed changelog
OpenCelium 2.1 (german)
[New function]
Ein-/Ausschaltung der Logs für die Jobs
[New function]
Funktionalität „Duplizieren“ für die Connections
[New function]
Funktionalität „Duplizieren“ für die Business Templates
[New function]
Editierbarkeit der Business Templates
Bild wird gelöscht
API-Operationen wurden mit den in dem Invoker Datei definierten Feldern nicht korrekt ausgeführt
Layoutprobleme beim Löschen einer Verbindung
Starten eines Jobs
Wenn ein Job aktualisiert wird, wird er automatisch aktiviert
OpenCelium 2.1 (english)
[New feature]
Enable/disable logs for a job
[New feature]
Duplicate connections
[New feature]
Duplicate business templates
[New feature]
Edit business templates
Image is deleted
API Operation did not execute correctly with the fields defined in the invoker file
Layout problems when deleting a connection
Starting a job
When you update a job, it is automatically activated
Overview of the Connections with the new duplicate function
View during the duplication process
Overview of the log status in the scheduler board
OpenCelium now as Docker Container | Step by step guide for an installation in less
Than 5 minutes
Connect SAP with your applications via OpenCelium| Easily connect systems with each other.
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