Founded in 2000 and headquartered near Dublin, the company has Druid established itself as a global leader in mobile communications solutions, specializing in the development of the software-based mobile communications platform Raemis™ specialized. With Raemis™, it is possible to integrate 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G and Wifi devices from any provider via standardized interfaces and make them usable in campus networks, among other things.

becon has been successfully active in the IT and telecommunications sector for more than 30 years at locations in Munich, Berlin and Fulda. With innovative solutions becon helps its customers to digitalize processes and optimize IT and TC infrastructure. One of these innovative solutions is the KMU Campus Network – an LTE or 5G campus specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Campus networks are private mobile networks that span a company campus or individual buildings. A dedicated campus network can map company-specific network requirements in a highly individualized manner. Whether for remote maintenance of production plants, communication between machines, control of transport systems, networking of mobile data acquisition in logistics or simply for the use of the advantages typical for architecture (a) Bandwidth, (b) Low latency, (c) Network coverage and (d) Data security.

The KMU Campus Network

The KMU Campus Network makes campus networks attractive even for small and medium-sized enterprises thanks to smart integration of multiple vendor products. Here, Raemis™ of Druid plays an important role. This is because, unlike the major manufacturers in this segment, Raemis™ is not sold with hardware, but runs as software on commodity hardware or – and this is the key advantage – on the company’s own virtual environment or cloud.

kmu campusnetz 5g infographic becon gmbh

The 5G test lab with Raemis™

In Berlin, becon operates a 5G Test Lab with Raemis™ for customers. There you can convince yourself of the added value of a campus network compared to WLAN networking. Beyond these pure infrastructure topics, becon also offers a colorful bouquet of possible uses: from AR/VR application and Industry 4.0/IIoT integration, to the mapping of a so-called digital twin, to the integration of communication solutions such as a TV studio.

5G and campus networks are the future. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy provides a guide for 5G campus networks here. If you are interested, becon GmbH will be happy to support and advise you from the first steps to the implementation and operation of a campus network.

5G in the industrial environment | Features, requirements and 5G campus networks

Fact Sheet

5G Campus for beginners |
The new mobile communications standard explained simply

What is 5G and what advantages does it bring? The fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) includes improved features from the last generation 4G/LTE. 5G is to be rolled out nationwide in Germany, thus eliminating the white spots (areas without mobile phone reception) in network coverage.

fact sheet 5g campusnet for beginners

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